Matrix Resources

History Directories

WWW Virtual Library; History - Excellent starting point for your search. categories are organized by research methods and materials, countries and regions, eras and epochs, and historical topics. (

Voice of the Shuttle; History - Chances are, if you can't find it here, it isn't there. Very long list of history-related links. Categorized, but not well annotated. (

History Directories - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - A list of large history directories. (

The History Page - A long list of history directories organized by time periods. (

Alternative History - A site of 296 links on little known history. Contains information that is "not normally found in the main-stream history texts."

Academic Directories - A online catalog of academic websites related to history. All the sites are reviewed and catalogued by university experts. From a joint project between University of Oxford, Stanford University, and Yale University. The site also contains Learning Guides on American History, French History, and Current Events. (

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